Jumping between source and listing lines

BS2IDE gives possibility to jump to the listing file at specific line based on source file selection. You can do that by holding the Alt key in BS2000 Editor and clicking mouse button on the selected line.
If the line doesn't change to Hyperlink as below, then there is no parsed source - listing line mapping for this line.
You can also jump in opposite direction: from listing to source.

You can modify the shortcut in command link Window > Preferences > General > Text Editors > Hyperlinking preference page by changing Modifier Keys for Open BS2000 Listing and optionally for C/C++ and COBOL sources.

This feature is supported for Assembler, SPL, C/C++ (CDT plugin required) and COBOL source files (required installed the P3/COBOL editor from EasiRun).

BS2IDE has to parse the listing (during project build or manual source compilation) to be able to open / jump to the listing file and after each source file change.

In SPL/C/C++ files you can also jump directly to Assembly code (if available).
If given line has such option, under selected line (also by holding Alt key) the additional option to jump to the Assembly code will be available.