BS2000 file attributes

BS2000 file attributes can be viewed and modified in the Properties view (to be opened by Window > Show View > Others > General > Properties) or by the context menu action Properties.

The context menu action Properties opens a property page where you can select between:

BS2000 File Attribute Details

The following screenshot shows sample BS2000 File Attribute Details:

BS2000 File Properties

Essential BS2000 file attributes are captured as Eclipse file properties. They can be viewed and partially edited in the BS2000 File Properties page. The attributes are organized in categories corresponding to the tabs in the property page. Here is an example with tab Security opened:


Basic ACL access permission attributes can be viewed and set in the BS2000 File Attribute Details page in Permissions tab:

Other means to set or modify file attributes

Some attributes must or can be set or modified by other means.